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X is for Xenophobia

Publié le 21 Mai 2014, 08:57am

X is for Xenophobia

So, xenophobia is a fear of strangers or foreigners, to my mind, it's very close to racism. I don't even understand why people make a huge dfference between xenophobia and racism. I'm sorry but if you're afraid of a group of people because they are different from you and you even start to hate these people then I'm sorry but to my mind it really sounds like racism. Even though I know there is a difference. People should stop lying to themselves and "call a cat a cat" because if you don't like someone, even hate that person, because that person is different from you (different origines : africa, china, mexican..., differente religion : muslim, christian, jewish....) then I'm sorry but that's very close to racism and near to discrimination. Not everyone is a terrorist.

You might not understand why it sounds like racism to my mind but let's picture something : Imagine : Ismael is a arabic, Alain is black Pedro is mexican and finally David is a white man. They all want to have a job and work in let's say SMP High Tech. Now let's imagine that the man who is supposed to interview them and decide who is going to be hired is a "XENOPHOBIC" Ok ? So he's afraid of the foreigners, all of them. So obviously, it means that even if ISMAEL, ALAIN and PEDRO are SMARTER, MORE SERIOUS and would be REALLY GOOD at the job, they're not going to get hire because of the director who don't like the foreigners.

WELL I don't know how you call that but to my mind, it DEFINITELY sounds like DISCRIMINATION AND RACISM.

Life lesson : Don't have prejudice about someone. Most of the time, you will be wrong. The different peoples (not people), the different religious, cultures are what make the world what it is. Besides, don't forget that we're all in this (world) together so instead of saying that you are afraid of these kind of people, try to know them. After all, wasn't fear made to be overcome ? Because the only thing that can make us richer is to see different cultures, different peoples, different countries...

X is for Xenophobia
X is for Xenophobia
X is for Xenophobia
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